"It’s not just one child who has achieved something here— every single child has!"
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Parental Care and Love
Individual Care and attention
Play way method of education
Continuous Evaluation of Performance
Optimum student teacher ratio
Character Building
Civic and Social Consciousness
Perpetuate Human Value and Discipline
Self Motivation and confidence building
Physical Education - Body
Mental Education - Mind
Spiritual Education - Self
Social Education - Society
Experienced Teachers
"The peaceful life of man is the sum-total of the rhythmic functions coordinating the physical body, spirit, mind, society and cosmos. Education from childhood on wards should comprise of teaching how to maintain natural rhythm between body and spirit, spirit and mind, individual and society and nature and knowledge"
Every Child is the Gift of Nature
Every Child is the Treasure of the Society
Every Child is the Light of the World
Let us Make Every Child as a Responsible Universal Student.