Scheme and Examinations


• Assessment will be done throughout the term and consolidated at the end of the term.
• In case of absenteeism during assessment, the child will be marked absent. Only skill based testing will be done for the child who missed the test. His/her assessment aggregate will be calculated based on the number of tests attempted except for long absenteeism.
Grade 1 to 9
• There will be two Summative Assessments (SA) based on CCE pattern of NCERT (October & March).
• There will be four Monthly tests (MT) - Home Assignments, Class Assignments, Surprise Tests, Projects, Activities, and so on. Pupils absent from an examination, for any reason are not re-examined and those absent from an examination without grave reason will be considered having failed.

School timings
School Rules
Appeal to parents

  Kindly send your child in clean and ironed / complete uniform daily.
  The Parents should check the school diary every day for message from the teachers as well as use the same to communicate with the teachers.
  Leave application, sick leave needs to be communicated to the teachers through diary along with the leave letter.
  If the parent brings the child to the school in advance, then the parent should not leave in the school premises until the teacher takes charge.
  The school authorities should be informed by the parents about the identity of the person who will be bringing and taking the child from school every day.
  The parents are not allowed to enter the classroom during the school hours.
  Children can come with their party dress to class on their birthdays. The school will celebrate the child's birthday by wishing him / her and presenting a card for the child in the school Assembly.
  Parents are expected to respond the circulars from diary and SMS in their mobiles from time to time regarding holidays & other activities of the school.
  Parent - Teacher meetings are held to keep the parents updated with their child’s development at school. It provides a platform for the parents to discuss their child’s progress as well as concerns with the teacher.
  Children will be taken to field trips to various places in and around the town / locality. If the parent wishes to exclude his / her child from a particular field trip kindly inform the principal about the same in advance.
  Parents are requested to ensure that student's Name, Standard and Roll Number is clearly mentioned in all the letters addressed to the school.
  Parents should acknowledge the receipt of each circular issued by the school by signing at the respective section in the diary. Whenever the circular requires a response from the parent, the same has to be completed and returned through the child by the required time & date.
  All notes by the class teacher in the school diary addressed to the parents should be duly acknowledged by them by appending their remarks and signature.
  The parents can take prior appointment with the class teacher and briefly inform them about his / her concerns.
  If the parent feels that the concern needs immediate attention and cannot wait for an appointment, he / she can approach the principal / Advisor directly.
  Parents can be assured that their child is as important to the school as all the other children and the school will do its best towards giving what is right for the child.
  Parents are thus requested to approach the school in a calm and composed manner, so that the school along with the parent can work towards finding solution to his / her concerns.
  If in certain cases the parent feels that their concerns have not been sufficiently addressed, he / she may feel free to talk to the Principal over phone or meet in person.
  Selection of students for any competitions / programs inside or outside the school is up to the decision of the principal only.
  Parents are requested to offer saplings (plants), Books to the school library for your child's birthday. Avoid sending sweets.